Supporting Space Education And inspiring future scientists

Undergraduate Research Conference, 2014

New Hampshire Space Grant Consortium (NHSGC) supports nine New Hampshire affiliate institutions and thousands of teachers, students, faculty, and citizens interested in the sciences, in space science, and in inspiring future scientists.

Funded by NASA, New Hampshire's Space Grant Consortium headquarters is located in UNH's Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space. Through its eight affiliates, NHSGC offers science outreach activities for K-12 students and scholarships, fellowships, and internships for students pursuing degrees in science, engineering, and science education. Please note that as a training grant, any person receiving funding must be a U.S. Citizen.

Our Mission: To stimulate and enhance science and mathematics education at all levels; providing motivation, improving quality, and increasing access for students, teachers, and the general public.

Contact Information:

New Hampshire Space Grant Consortium
Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space
University of New Hampshire, 305A Morse Hall
8 College Road, Durham, NH 03824
(603) 862-4315
FAX (603) 862-1915

For fun: Take a road trip through New Hampshire's aerospace, space science, and astronomy sites

Road Trip #1:

Visit New Hampshire's Aeronautic Hot Spots

Road Trip #2:

Visit New Hampshire's Space Science and Aerospace Hot Spots

Road Trip #3:

Visit New Hampshire's Astronomy Hot Spots