Graduate Fellowships at UNH
NHSGC annually awards about two fellowships for graduate study in NASA-related disciplines at UNH. NASA-related disciplines cover a broad spectrum of fields, including: space physics; astrophysics; science education; computer science; engineering; Earth, ocean, atmospheric, or life sciences, which utilize space technology and/or adopt a "planetary" view of the global environment. Past recipients have been enrolled in degree programs in the Departments of Earth Sciences, Physics, Natural Resources, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, and Engineering.

Fall 2024
- Mayowa Adewuyi, Space Physics (advisor Dr. Amy Keesee)
Summer 2024
- Mayowa Adewuyi, Space Physics (advisor Dr. Amy Keesee)
- Emma Burket, Earth and Environmental Sciences (advisor Dr. Julie Bryce)
- Benjamin Carlson, Physics (advisor Dr. James Clemmons)
- Andrew Fleming, Civil/Environmental Engineering (advisor Dr. Jennifer Jacobs)
- Alma Hernandez, Natural Resouces and the Environment (advisor Dr. Jessica Ernakovich)
- Cheristy Jones, Earth and Environmental Sciences (advisor Dr. Ruth Varner)
- Jack Sylvester, Biochemistry (advisor Dr. Krisztina Varga)
- Megan Verfaillie, Civil/Environmental Engineering (advisor Dr. Jennifer Jacobs)
- Graduate research award: Haley Royce, Chemical Engineering (advisor Dr. Linqing Li)
Our Past Space Grant Awardees:
Fall 2023 (Graduate Research Award)
- Sean Schaffer, Microbial Ecology and Biogeochemistry (advisor Dr. Jessica Ernakovich)
Summer 2023
- Dana V Bakke, Natural Resouces (Ecosystem science) (advisor Dr. Jessica Ernakovich)
- Brittani Chapman, Earth Science (advisor Dr. Michael Palace)
- Emily Landry, Natural Resources (advisors Drs. Alexandra Contosta and Scott Ollinger)
- Annelise Waling, Hydrology (advisor Dr. Elizabeth Burakowski)
- Megan C Wimsat, Earth Sciences (Geochemical Systems specialization) (advisor Dr. Ruth Varner)
- Graduate Research awards:
Tim Hoheneder, Natural Resource and Earth Systems Science (advisor Dr. Jennifer Jacobs);
Jacob Koile, Physics (advisor Dr. Ningyu Liu);
Richard D. Gorby, Physics (advisor Dr. Amy Keesee)
- Brianna Isola, Physics (advisor Dr. Mathew Argall)
- Julia Olson, Earth and Environmental Science (advisor Dr. Alix Contosta)
- Nathan Blais, Natural Resources (advisor Dr. Jessica Ernakovich)
- Clarice Perryman, Earth and Environmental Science (advisor Dr. Ruth Varnier)
- Emma Burkett, Natural Resources & Earth Systems Science (advisors Drs. Julia G. Bryce and Michael Palace)
- Joy O'Brien, Molecular, Cellular, and Biomedical Sciences (advisor Dr. Jessica Ernakovich)
- Logan Brown, Biochemistry (partial funding; advisor Dr. Krisztina Varga)
- Briana Isola, Physics (advisor Dr. Mathew Argall)
- Haley Nolen, Molecular and Evolutionary Systems Biology (advisor Anissa Poleatewich)
- Kaitlyn Baillargeon, Natural Resources and Earth System Sciences (advisor Scott Ollinger)
- Emma Burkett, Geology (advisor Julie Bryce)
- John Hastings, Natural Resources and Earth System Sciences (advisor Scott Ollinger)
- Natalie Kashi, Natural Resources and Earth System Sciences (advisor Ruth Varnier)
- Nicholas Lubinsky, Physics (advisor Harald Kucharek)
- Kellen McArthur, Geology (advisor Ruth Varnier)
- Haley Nolen, Molecular and Evolutionary Systems Biology (advisor Anissa Poleatewich)
- Cooper Park, Molecular and Evolutionary Systems Biology (advisor Cheryl Andam)
- Clarice Perryman, Earth and Environmental Science (advisor Ruth Varnier)
- Jonathan Sreter, Microbiology (advisor Krisztina Varga)
- Ryan Wilmot, Microbiology (advisor Lou Tisa)
- Coleman Wimsatt, Materials Science (advisor James Krasnowski)
- Natalie Kashi, Natural Resources and Earth System Sciences (advisor Erik Hobbie)
- Kellen McArthur, Earth Sciences (advisor Ruth Varner)
- Cooper Park (Fall 2018), Molecular and Evolutionary Systems Biology (advisor Cheryl Andam)
- Jonathan Sreter, Microbiology (advisor Krizstina Varga)
- Ryan Wilmot (Spring 2019), Molecular, Cellular, and Biomedical Sciences (advisor Louis Tisa)
- Colman Wimsatt (Fall 2018), Materials Sciences (advisor James Krzanowski)
- Olivia Bartlett, Natural Resources and Earth System Sciences (advisor Mark Ducey)
- Sam Bingham, Physics (advisor Chris Mouikis)
- Sophia Burke, Earth Sciences (advisor Ruth Varner)
- Jessica DelGreco, Earth Sciences (advisor Michael Palace)
- David Kenward, Physics (advisor Marc Lessard)
- Nick Lubinsky, Physics (advisor Harald Kucharek)
- Tamara Marcus, Earth Sciences (advisor Ruth Varner)
- Anthony Saikin, Physics (advisor Jichun Zhang)
- Maxwell Grady, Physics (advisor Mark Mcconnell)
- Natalie Kashi, Natural Resources & the Environment (advisor Ruth Varner)
- Ryan Lawrence, Earth & Environmental Science (advisor Ruth Varner)
- Conor Madison, Natural Resources (advisor Scott Ollinger)
- Kristoff Paulson, Physics (advisor Charles Smith)
- Joseph Jensen, Physics (advisor Joachim "Jimmy" Raeder)
- Natalie Kashi, Natural Resources & the Environment (advisor Ruth Varner)
- Christopher Lyon, Chemistry (advisor Eric Burda)
- Amanda Madden, Physics (advisor James Ryan)
- Devon O'Rourke, Microbiology & Genetics (advisor Vaughn Cooper)
- Ryan Cassotto, Earth Sytems Science (advisor Margaret Boettcher)
- Nicholas Dowhaniuk, Natural Resources (advisor Joel Hartter)
- Dara Feddersen, Chemistry (advisors Howard Mayne / Ruth Varner)
- Stephanie Coster, Natural Resourses & the Environment (advisor Adrienne Kovach)
- Camden Ertley, Physics/Space Science Center (advisor Mark McConnell)
- Justin Williams, Nat. Resources/Earth Sys. Research Ctr. (advisor Barry Rock)
- Chelsea Corr, Complex Systems Research Center (advisor Jack Dibb)
- Amy Underwood, Mechanical Engineering (advisor May-Win Thein)
- Benjamin Jenkins, Mechanical Engineering
- Elizabeth Burakowski, Natural Resources (NRESS Ph.D.)
- Franklin Sullivan, Natural Resources
- Mimi Szeto, Natural Resources (NRESS Ph.D.)
- Allison Jaynes, Space Science Center
- Samuel Meacham, Complex Systems Research Ctr.
- Monica Bobra, Space Science Center
- Jennifer Hegarty, Climate Change Research Center
- Bradford Larsen, Computer Science
- Amanda Plagge, Ocean Process Analysis Laboratory
- Marla Striped Face-Collins, Complex Sys. Res. Ctr.
- Michael Borelli, Mechanical Engineering
- Tricia McCarthy, Complex Systems Research Ctr.
- Brent Sadler, Space Science Center
- Sarah Jones, Space Science Center
- Richard MacLean, Complex Systems Research Ctr.
- Will Kessler, Complex Systems Research Ctr.
- Gerald Hornok, Climate Change Research Center
- Oliver Olson, Mechanical Engineering
- Michael Adams, Mechanical Engineering
- Shane Bradt, Zoology and remote sensing
- Kirsten Lloyd, Complex Systems Reserch Ctr.
- Kristin Simunac, Space Science Center
- Lorna Ellis, Space Science Center
- Ryan Huntley, Complex Systems Research Center
- Peter Ingraham, Complex Systems Research Ctr.
- Daniel Seaton, Space Science Center
- Katharine Reeves, Space Science Center
- Susan Campbell, Natural Resources
- Ned Eldredge, Complex Systems Research Center
- Carolyn Girod, Complex Systems Research Center
- Jeanne Anderson, Complex Systems Research Ctr.
- Mickel A. McClish, Space Science Center
- Brogan Morton, Mechanical Engineering
- Peter S. Tardie, Natural Resources