New Hampshire Space Grant
Past projects
New England Fall Astronomy Festival
NH Space Grant provides support for the New England Fall Astronomy Festival held at the University of New Hampshire's Observatory . The festival includes keynote and featured speakers, sky watching and safe solar viewing, astronomy talks, telescope clinic (courtesy of the NH Astronomical Society), family activities.
Aerospace Festival
Aerospacefest celebrates space science and aeronautics with a weekend of rocket and balloon launches, telescopes and solar viewing, Mad Science, Ham Radio operators, radio-controlled airplanes, an Astronaut keynote speaker, and more. NHSGC one of several sponsors of this event.
UNH Undergraduate Research Conference:
Interdisciplinary Science & Eng. Symposium
NHSGC provided one of nine awards for outstanding student research presented in the Interdisciplinary Science & Engineering Symposium, part of the week-long Undergraduate Research Conference held at the Univeristy of New Hampshire.
NHSGC sponsored a UNH team, the LunaCats, in the Annual NASA Robotic Mining Competition. This year, the team placed 5th out of 46 teams in the competition held at Kennedy Space Center. Their highlight: the LunaCat robot completed a run where they minded more than double the required mass for a qualifying run.
Kennett HS HUNCH Students
Students from Mt. Washington Valley Career and Technical Ctr. of Kennett High School in N. Conway, NH, were recognized at GSFC for their part in the NASA HUNCH program. During the school year, the advanced metals students used precision tooling to create components to be used at the International Space Station Training Facility — possibly to be used on the Intl. Space Station. NHSGC funded the students travel to GSFC, where they toured the machine shop and viewed NASA research, hardware, and engineering.
White Mountains Community College, Berlin, NH
STEM-Health Careers camp provides a week-long camp with hands-on, fun-filled activities in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Health professions, and include interactive and project-based components.
Project SMART
From July 1-27, 2018, UNH hosted an annual four-week summer program for 10th and 11th grade H.S. students interested in advancing their knowledge in a particular area of science, looking at scientific applications and societal implications.
The Space Science module of the Project SMART program, funded by NHSGC, included faculty lectures and hands-on experience. One component of this is building the payload for a high-altitude balloon. The payload evolves every year to become more sophisticated and more capable. Students learn everything from core physics to microprocessor programming and circuit building.
Climate & Carbon Investigations Workshop for STEM Teachers
On August 11-14, 2014, ten STEM-discipline teachers (grades 6-12) participated in a NHSGC-sponsored workshop on Climate and Carbon Investigations, held at UNH-Durham camput and taught by a team of UNH researchers and environmental science teachers.
The Carbon Cycle and Climate Investigations materials were developed under a NASA Innovations in Climate Education Grant. Teachers received program materials useful in setting up their own classroom research plots, teaching students to collect and analyze data for exploring climate research questions.
Mount Washington Outreach Observers
Stationed at the Mount Washington Observatory summit facility, the Outreach Observers are trained weather specialists who offer tours, educational programs, and workshops.
Mount Washington Observatory Outreach Program
Mount Washington Observatory has been sharing the excitement of weather and climate with classrooms throughout New England since 1999. Designed to meet the New Hampshire Frameworks and National Educational Standards, our programs bring science to life with hands-on activities, interactive lessons, and engaging narrative.
SuperStellar Fridays
At the McAuliffe Shepard Discovery Center, every Friday is "SuperStellar." Open to the public, NHSGC supports Friday evening presentations by scientists on discoveries, historical events, and science concepts. The evening ends with a look at "Tonight's Sky" in the full-dome theatre.
Dartmouth College Wetterhahn Symposium
NHSGC offered support to Dartmouth College Women-in-Science students presenting their "capstone" research projects at the Wetterhahn Undergraduate Symposium.
McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center Exhibit
The discovery center created an exhibit on living and working in space, drawing on artifacts from prior space grant activities and from items items obtained through NASA's de-accessioning program.
North Country Astronomy
The Margret and H. A. Rey Center, partnered with the McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center and the New Hampshire Astronomical Society, hosts stargazing evenings and astronomy education programs in Waterville Valley. Activities include Dark Sky Stargazing Nights, guided exploration of important night sky events, lecture programs, and family-friendly learning activities.
UNH TableSat Teams
NASA Exploration Systems Mission Directorate, through NH Space Grant, funds UNH student engineering teams working on projects that model NASA space missions. This year's team worked on components like those on the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission.